[LeetCode] 659. Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences 将数组分割成连续子序列
阅读量:4674 次

本文共 4199 字,大约阅读时间需要 13 分钟。

You are given an integer array sorted in ascending order (may contain duplicates), you need to split them into several subsequences, where each subsequences consist of at least 3 consecutive integers. Return whether you can make such a split.

Example 1:

Input: [1,2,3,3,4,5]Output: TrueExplanation:You can split them into two consecutive subsequences : 1, 2, 33, 4, 5

Example 2:

Input: [1,2,3,3,4,4,5,5]Output: TrueExplanation:You can split them into two consecutive subsequences : 1, 2, 3, 4, 53, 4, 5

Example 3:

Input: [1,2,3,4,4,5]Output: False 


  1. The length of the input is in range of [1, 10000]




public boolean isPossible(int[] nums) {    Map
freq = new HashMap<>(), appendfreq = new HashMap<>(); for (int i : nums) freq.put(i, freq.getOrDefault(i,0) + 1); for (int i : nums) { if (freq.get(i) == 0) continue; else if (appendfreq.getOrDefault(i,0) > 0) { appendfreq.put(i, appendfreq.get(i) - 1); appendfreq.put(i+1, appendfreq.getOrDefault(i+1,0) + 1); } else if (freq.getOrDefault(i+1,0) > 0 && freq.getOrDefault(i+2,0) > 0) { freq.put(i+1, freq.get(i+1) - 1); freq.put(i+2, freq.get(i+2) - 1); appendfreq.put(i+3, appendfreq.getOrDefault(i+3,0) + 1); } else return false; freq.put(i, freq.get(i) - 1); } return true;}


# Time:  O(n)# Space: O(1)class Solution(object):    def isPossible(self, nums):        """        :type nums: List[int]        :rtype: bool        """        pre, cur = float("-inf"), 0        cnt1, cnt2, cnt3 = 0, 0, 0        i = 0        while i < len(nums):            cnt = 0            cur = nums[i]            while i < len(nums) and cur == nums[i]:                cnt += 1                i += 1            if cur != pre + 1:                if cnt1 != 0 or cnt2 != 0:                    return False                cnt1, cnt2, cnt3 = cnt, 0, 0            else:                if cnt < cnt1 + cnt2:                    return False                cnt1, cnt2, cnt3 = max(0, cnt - (cnt1 + cnt2 + cnt3)), \                                   cnt1, \                                   cnt2 + min(cnt3, cnt - (cnt1 + cnt2))            pre = cur        return cnt1 == 0 and cnt2 == 0


def isPossible(self, nums):        left = collections.Counter(nums)        end = collections.Counter()        for i in nums:            if not left[i]: continue            left[i] -= 1            if end[i - 1] > 0:                end[i - 1] -= 1                end[i] += 1            elif left[i + 1] and left[i + 2]:                left[i + 1] -= 1                left[i + 2] -= 1                end[i + 2] += 1            else:                return False        return True  


class Solution {public:	bool isPossible(vector
& nums) { unordered_map
, std::greater
>> backs; // Keep track of the number of sequences with size < 3 int need_more = 0; for (int num : nums) { if (! backs[num - 1].empty()) { // There exists a sequence that ends in num-1 // Append 'num' to this sequence // Remove the existing sequence // Add a new sequence ending in 'num' with size incremented by 1 int count = backs[num - 1].top(); backs[num - 1].pop(); backs[num].push(++count); if (count == 3) need_more--; } else { // There is no sequence that ends in num-1 // Create a new sequence with size 1 that ends with 'num' backs[num].push(1); need_more++; } } return need_more == 0; }};


class Solution {public:    bool isPossible(vector
& nums) { unordered_map
freq, need; for (int num : nums) ++freq[num]; for (int num : nums) { if (freq[num] == 0) continue; else if (need[num] > 0) { --need[num]; ++need[num + 1]; } else if (freq[num + 1] > 0 && freq[num + 2] > 0) { --freq[num + 1]; --freq[num + 2]; ++need[num + 3]; } else return false; --freq[num]; } return true; }};





